TxDOT Controls


ASC designs and builds roadway illumination panels for TxDOT and NTTA. We build either of the following electrical service types.

Standard Electrical Service Types

Service Type
Type A or C
480 volts, 3-wire with center ground
Three-wire branch circuits consisting of two line conductors and a ground.
Type T
120/240 volts, 3-wire with center ground (main lug only — no main breaker)
Used for traffic signals, traffic management systems, and irrigation systems. Not typically used for illumination (except at lighted intersections with traffic signals).
Type D
120/240 volts, 3-wire with center ground (main breaker)
Used for traffic signals, traffic management systems, and irrigation systems. Not typically used for illumination (except at lighted intersections with traffic signals).

You can find more detailed information in the online TxDOT manual.

TYA Aluminum Control Panel Exterior
TYA Aluminum Control Panel Interior

Request a Quote

If you’re interested in a quote for a municipal panel, please let us know what you need in the form below. We will respond within 24 hours. You can also call us at (210) 798-1334.

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